Want to defund the prison industrial complex, exploitative prison labor, and immigration detention centers? Prison Free Funds can help you find out if your money is invested in these economic systems of oppression and exploitation.

For-profit firms have flooded money into prison and detention center infrastructure and services, and have used industry associations to lobby for harsher policing and longer sentencing, even for non-violent offenders. Mass incarceration is a manifestation of racist policy, particularly devastating for poor communities, immigrants, people of color, and their families. Inmates work for pennies per hour while their families pay exorbitant fees to keep them supplied with bare necessities. Powerful, private equity interests and corporations reap enormous profits from the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border and the policing of immigration.

By using this free online tool and our prison industrial complex-free action toolkit, you will be able to harness your economic power to shift your hard-earned savings away from these systems and support the movement for true equality and liberation for all people.

How to make your investments align with your values
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Search for mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by name, ticker, or asset manager. Our database covers 3,000 stock funds available in the U.S.
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See your results. For each fund, we track investments in a range of companies involved in the prison industrial complex, as well as other environmental and social risks.
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The prison and border industries

Prison Free Funds focuses on two aspects of the prison industrial complex: companies involved in the prison industry (such as private for-profit prison operators and prison services providers), and companies involved in the militarization of borders and the policing of immigration. The company-level research is provided by the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization devoted to service, development, and peace programs throughout the world.

Index funds
Passively managed investment funds that track market indexes have seen significant fund inflows over the past decade. These indexes, from firms like from S&P Global Ratings, Russell/FTSE, and MSCI, are increasingly setting our economy on autopilot and pumping capital into unsustainable business models. Below are the prison industrial complex grades for 10 common index funds.
IndexRated asPrison industrial complex grade
Russell 1000IWBD
Russell 2000IWMF
Russell 3000IWVF
Russell Top 200IWLD
MSCI Emerging MarketsEEMA
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Major asset managers have billions invested in the prison industrial complex
Are your savings invested with one of these financial giants? Click through and find out how much they have invested in the prison and border industries.
Find sustainably-invested mutual funds and ETFs

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More from Invest Your Values
See how mutual funds and ETFs are rated on issues ranging from fossil fuels, to deforestation, gender equality, guns, prisons, weapons, and tobacco

Disclaimer: As You Sow is not an investment adviser

As You Sow is not an investment adviser as that term is defined under federal and state (California) laws and regulations. As You Sow is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and empowering shareholders to change corporations for the good through the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to the public, free of charge. As You Sow does not provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. Nothing on this website shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or investment recommendations.
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